Rules & Regulations Of The Bpftio



Short title extent and commencement.


1. (i)

These “Rules & Regulations” may be called “Rules & Regulations” of the Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha.




These Rules & Regulations shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the date of Registration of the Society.



B.O.S.E Campus, Cuttack

Area of Operation


State of Odisha



2.  (a)

Society” means the Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha.




“Institute” means the Institute of Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha.




“State Government” means Government of Odisha.




“Central Government” means Ministries or Departments of Government of India dealing with the subject.




“Chairman” means except where the context otherwise requires the Chairman of the Society.




“Director” means the Director  of the Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha.

(Government vide  SD&TE Department letter No.4230 Dt.05.11.2020 re-designated the post of Principal as Director)

Registration Office



The Office of the Society shall be situated at Cuttack or at any other place in the State of Odisha where to it may be removed in pursuance to a resolution passed by the Governing Body of the Society and approved by the State Government.



4  (i)

State Government shall constitute a Governing Body for the Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute with which the management of the Society shall vest.




The Governing Body shall be a Body Corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire and hold property both movable and immovable and subject to the provision of the Rules to transfer any property held by it and do all other things necessary for the purpose of its constitution and may sue or be sued in its corporate name.




The Governing Body shall consist of members as would be notified by Government from time to time.

Composition of Governing Body



The following shall be members of the Governing Body of the Institute.



Sl No.

Designation & Address



Chairman appointed by the Governing Body



Commissioner-cum Secretary / Principal Secretary to Government, SD&TE Department, Government of Odisha



Director of Technical Education & Training, Odisha, Cuttack

Vice Chairman


Additional Secretary to Government, Finance Department



Additional Secretary to Government, SD&TE Department



Director, Information & Public Relation, Odisha, Bhubaneswar



Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Bhubaneswar



Managing Director, Odisha Film Development Corporation, Cuttack



Two eminent Film makers to be nominated by State Government



One Senior Faculty member of BPFTIO to be nominated by Director, BPFTIO



Dean, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata



Director, Biju Pattanaik Film & Television Institute of Odisha,

Member Secretary

(Government have reconstituted the Governing Body vide SD&TE Department Notification No.1280 Dt.02.03.2020 )

Co-Opted or Nominated members



The names of persons nominated or to be members shall be notified by the Government.

Terms of Office of Co-opted or Nominated members and filling up vacancies etc.


7 (i)

The nominated members shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of their nomination. However, these members shall be eligible for re-nomination.



When the term of office of members (other than Ex-Officio members) has expired the vacancies so caused shall be filled up as soon as may be and to this end necessary steps shall be taken by the Secretary of the Governing Body within 6 months before the expiry of the said term of office.


  Provided that the term of Office of the out going members shall be deemed to extend to and expire with the date on which the names of their successors nominated as the case may be, are notified under Rule-6.

Disqualification of Membership



A person shall be dis-qualified for being nominated as a member of the Board, if he / she –



as on the date of nomination is a person of un-sound mind  or



is a certified bankrupt or undercharged insolvent, or



has been convicted and sentenced by a criminal court to imprisonment for an offense involving moral turpitude, or



has any share or interest in any work done by order, or in any contract, entered into on behalf of the institute.



9. (i)

If any member other than ex-officio members of the Governing Body, absents himself from 3 consecutive meetings without the permission of the Chairman, the office held by him shall there upon become vacant.



If any member of the Governing Body becomes subject to any of the dis-qualifications under Rule-8, his office shall there upon become vacant.



Any vacancy caused in pursuance of Sub-Rule (i) or (ii) shall be filled up by the Government.

Acceptance of Resignation


10. (1)

No resignation tendered by a member of the Governing Body shall be valid until it has been accepted by the Government and no resignation tendered by a member of  any Committee constituted by the Governing Body shall be valid until it has been accepted by the Chairman of the Board.



A nominated member may resign his seat by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman and his seat there upon become vacant.

Filling up of Casual vacancies



All Casual vacancies, among nominated members arising by reason of dis-qualification, death, removal or resignation among the members of the Governing Body, shall be filled up as soon as may be by nomination and the person so, nominated shall hold office for the up-expired portion of the term of his predecessor in office.

Power and functions of the Governing Body



The Governing Body shall be the apex managing body of the Institute, vested with the powers of the society and shall have the following functions and responsibilities :

(As approved by SD&TE Department vide letter No.285 Dt.06.01.2024)



to review the working of the Institute with reference to the annual plan and action and policies and programmes of the Central and State Governments.



to give overall policy guidance for the efficient functioning of the institute.



to consider the annual report of the institute approved by the Finance Committee.



to adopt the budget estimates as approved by the Finance Committee and to forward it to the State Government for sanction.



to lay-down norms and standards for course curriculum, physical & instructional facilities, staff pattern, staff requirement, work-load of teachers, No. of working days and contract hours, quality instructions, assessment and evaluation etc.



to evolve suitable performance appraisal system, incorporating norms and mechanisms for enforcing accountability.



to formulate schemes for initial and in service training of teachers and identifications of short-courses under continuing education.



to prescribe qualification and guidelines for admission of students.



to prescribe demand and receive tuition fees and other fees.



to institute and award scholarships, medals and prizes.



to submit to Government its views in any matter with which it is concerned.



to submit to Government such reports and returns and statements as may be prescribed by regulations and such other information relating to any matter under the control of the institute as the Government may require.



to acquire, hold and dispose of property both movable and immovable for the purpose of the institute and entered into agreements thereof.



to exercise such other powers and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the State Government under this Rule or as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of these Rules.



To administer funds placed at its disposal for the purposes for which they are intended or generally for the purposes of the Institute.



To submit annual accounts and Balance Sheets together with the annual report of the institute to the Government.




To appoint any other Committee for any such purpose as it may deem necessary.



13 (i)

The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the Governing Body. If the Chairman is not able to attend the meeting, the Vice-Chairman shall preside over the meeting.




Any member of the Society other than nominated members, unable to attend a meeting of the Society, may depute authorised representative to take his place at that meeting of the Society and such representative shall have all the rights and privileges of a member of the Society including the right to vote for that meeting.




The Governing Body shall hold at least two meetings in a year at such time and place as the Chairman may decide.




Not less than 7 days clear notice of every meeting of the Governing Body shall be given to each member of the Governing Body.




Every notice calling a meeting of the Governing Body shall state the date, time and place at which such meeting will be held, except as otherwise provided in these rules and regulations, be under the signature of the Member Secretary.




Seven members of the Governing Body shall constitute the quorum at any meeting of the Governing Body.

(As approved by SD&TE Department vide letter No.285 Dt.06.01.2024)




Each member of the Governing Body including the Chairman shall have one vote and if their shall be equality of votes on any question to be decided by the Governing Body, the Chairman shall in addition have a casting vote.




The Member Secretary shall have the right to speak and otherwise take part in the proceedings at a meeting of the Governing Body and all other Committees/ sub-committees of the institute but he shall not be entitled to vote unless if he is a member of such committee. 




The Institute shall keep a roll of members along with their addresses and occupations and every member shall sign the same on each occasion of the meetings of the Governing Body.

Officers & Authorities of the Institute


14. (i)

The Officers of the Institute shall be the Chairman and the Director of the Institute and such other persons as may be designated as such by the Governing Body.




The Director of the institute shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Governing Body from among the Senior Lecturers by promotion on recommendation of the Selection Committee. In case of non availability of suitable Sr. Lecturer for promotion, the post may be filled up on deputation of a suitable officers of Class-I (Inter) level of OTE&T cadre / by recruitment from the open market. The Selection Committee shall consist of




Chairman of Governing Body or in his absence Vice Chairman




Director of Technical Education & Training, Odisha, Cuttack




Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Bhubaneswar

Chairman & his powers & functions



The Chairman shall be appointed by the Government on such terms and conditions as they may determine.




The executive authority of the Council shall vest with the Chairman and it shall be his duty to see that the provisions of this Rule and the Regulations made there under are faithfully carried out and he shall have all powers necessary for that purpose.




The Chairman shall have power to convene meetings of the Governing Body and call a meeting at any time after due notice or a requisition stating the business to be brought before the meeting signed by not less than one third of the total number of members of the Governing Body.




When any emergency arising out of the administrative business of the Institute requires in the opinion of the Chairman that immediate action should be taken, the Chairman shall take such action as he deems necessary and report his action to the Governing Body in its next meeting.




The Chairman may invite any official or any other person in the field of mass communication, Film & Video production & training to participate in the Board of Directors meeting or any other Committee meeting. Such special invitees will not have any voting right.




The Chairman shall exercise such other powers as may be prescribed.

Director and his functions


16  (i)

The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Governing Body on recommendation of the selection Committee mentioned in Rule 14(ii) and he shall exercise the powers of Head of Department for the Institute.

(As approved by SD&TE Department vide letter No.285 Dt.06.01.2024)




The Director shall




Manage the properties and investments and funds of the Institute.




Remain in custody of the properties and funds of the Institute.




Operate Bank account.




Execute all contracts on behalf of the council




Subject to control of the Chairman, be the Head of the office of the Institute and shall act as member secretary of the Governing Body.




Render such assistance to the Chairman as may be required by him in the performance of his duties.




Exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be prescribed.




With the concurrence of the Chairman, delegate any of his powers & functions to any other persons working as a whole time basis in the Institute or authority appointed or established under the rules.




With the prior approval of the Chairman, the Director shall have powers to file and defend suits and other proceedings on behalf of the Institute and shall have powers to compromise, settle or refer to arbitration any dispute relating to the Institute.

Finance Committee & its power


17 (a)

the Institute shall have a Finance Committee comprising the following :




DTE&T, Odisha – Chairman




One member of GB to be nominated by the Chairman, GB of BPFTIO, Cuttack – Member




FA-cum-Jt Secy/ AFA-cum-Dy. Secy/ AFA-cum-US, SD&TE Deptt. – Member




Deputy Secretary, Finance Department – Member.




Representative of SD&TE Department not below the rank of Under Secretary to be nominated by the Secretary, SD&TE Deptt.




Addl. Director / Joint Director / Dy. Deputy Director to be nominated by the DTE&T, Odisha – Member




Accounts Officer, DTE&T, Odisha – Member.




Principal, BOSE, Cuttack – Member



(ix )

Director, BPFTIO, Cuttack – Member Convener



Government in E&TE&T Department vide Resolution No.2623 Dt.28.07.2012 have reconstituted the Finance Committee)




The function of the Finance and Establishment Committee shall be the following.




To finalise the accounts and budget estimate of the Institute and to make recommendations to the Executive Committee.




To make recommendation on all establishment matters including creation and filling up of posts and laying down conditions of service and staff welfare measures connected with the Institute.




To examine proposals and to make recommendations regarding all security measures, construction of buildings and other infrastructure facilities of the Institute.




To fix up remuneration of staff.




To examine and advise on matters related to finance and establishment of the Institute.

Accounts, Audit and Reports


18. (i)

The accounts of the Society by a qualified auditor or a Government Auditor annually. A copy of the annual audit report will be sent to the respective funding agencies as well as Additional Registrar of the Society.




The Institute may be dissolved by 3/5th of its members. Upon dissolution of the Society, its assets will be  handed over to a similar type of Regd. Society of the Govt after clearing of  all its debts & liabilities.

Legal Action



The Director of the institute may sue or be sued on behalf of the institute for all its movable & immovable properties.

  1. Certified that there is no other Registered Society in the same name and at the same place.
  1. Certified that this is the true & correct copy of the Memorandum & Rules & Regulation.

Signature of three Members of the Governing Body.


